Solar energy is a renewable form of energy, it is clean and it is being adopted as a mainstream source of energy by many all across the globe. The fact that natural resources are depleting at a faster rate is a known event. In such a scenario, having a personalized solar panels could turn out to be gold. Here are a few things you should keep in mind before installing it:
Take note of the area where you want to install it
You can install a solar panel on the roof of your house, but make sure that it’s strong enough to withstand the load of it. The old and weak structured roof is not considered suitable for this use. Repairing any damage onsite must be done beforehand if installed.
Location of the panels should be kept in mind
In order to get the most out of these panels, make sure that it’s been located at a place where enough sun rays are fallings. If your house is located at a place where sun rays aren’t proper then it’s not ideal to use the panel.
Chandigarh is one such state in India, which is actively supporting rooftop solar installation. Solar panel manufacturers in Chandigarh are helping the city to completely transform itself in the renewable sector. The government of Chandigarh has reduced the cost of rooftop solar panels by 30%. People receding in this part of the world see it as a welcome move. With an increase in demand for rooftop solar panels in government buildings, the aim is now to target the commoners.
Pick the panel that best suits you
While most of the solar panel Chandigarh has opted for rooftop installation of the solar panel. There are options for an individual to mount it on the ground too. The cost of such a project is said to be more than the former. Use of tracker in a solar panel is also possible. The tracker follows the sun, and chases it down and generates the power. Beside all these, you can choose panels depending on the size and efficiency of it.
Your financial statement
The fact that you need to consult and have a check of the state policy is equally mandatory. The budget set for it should be kept in mind. Installation cost is just a part of the entire process, the device needs a routine checkup and thus there’s also a maintenance cost attached to it. You need to find a company that’s dealing with this kind of project in order to install it. They will guide you and will give you an estimate for the project.
In a country like India, where the sun is shining brightly all day in the sky, the use of solar power is not just cheap, but reliable too in the long run. States like Chandigarh, are trying their bit in the field of utilizing solar energy. It was declared a model solar state in the year 2012. Solar panels are said to have a lifespan of 25 years and hence are a good investment in the long run. With natural resources at its all-time low, there’s an increasing need to invest in renewable resources. Other states of India needs to take equal measures for the same.